How to create a branch in git repository using command line

How to create a branch in git repository in gitlab using command line

In this post, we will be learning about how to make a branch in git repository so lets begin with it.

First, we need check that in which repository or branch we are working on it. So to check repository and branch use following commads:

1. To check your git repository name:

$ git remote -v

2. To check your branch in git repositry: you will be able to see all your branches by following command:

$ git branch --all

After checking all the thing that you are in a right git repository and branch, Lets begin with creating a branch in gitlab

Step 1: Type the below command to Create a branch in repository in gitlab by following:

$ git checkout -b your_new_branch

So, here in this command line -b is the main thing which creates your new branch into the repository.

Step 2: Check your branch by the above Point 2 command, so that you can be in a correct branch. If you are not into your correct branch, follow the below command:

How to Move or Change from one branch to another branch by following command: 

$ git checkout your_branch

Step 3: After successfully creating a new branch and moving into your new branch. Let's push your files in new branch by following below commands:

//To Add all the Files $ git add . // To commit with message $ git commit -m "My New Branch Commit" // To push the file into repo $ git push origin your_branch

That's it. You are Done.

Thanks for reading.