Firebase in PHP Part-1: How to use firebase, create project, database, table in firebase
As we are getting started with firebase in php, so you will be learning how to use firebase and create a database in google firebase.
Step 1: Go to and once you reach to site, at right top corner you can see Go To Consolse, please click on that and start with creating your database as you can see in the above video i have explained very learly.
Step 2: once you click to create project, you will be asked to create a project name and few more details in it and complete the process as we did in above video.
Step 3: once you are setup with every thing, you will reach to you Google Firebase Dashboard, now to can create your database and table inside this dashboard, you can start creating fields and columns of your table and then insert data directly in Dashboard. (Watch Above video in Detailed Explanation).
After everything setup in database, now let move to install or download the firebase php package: so lets google : firebase for php [ Link : ]
Download the firebase in php package and start with the part 2 of firebase in php. (Coding Starts).